Danny Terweij wrote:

From: "Nils Breunese (Lemonbit Internet)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Did you add your own .repo file to /etc/yum.repos.d/ or did you add
the info to /etc/yum.conf? Or did you download the rpm that installs
the repo file?

I add them manual as xxxx.repo at yum.repos.d

Add this to your .repo file:

name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Updates Testing
baseurl=http://download.fedoralegacy.org/fedora/$releasever/updates- testing/$basearch

(Actually, you can just copy paste the info for updates en replace updates with updates-testing in the baseurl and change the name to your liking.)

By the way, if you have Legacy Updates enabled in your yum config you don't need the normal Fedora updates channel anymore. All updates that were released before the transfer to Legacy are included in the Legacy version of the updates channel.

I must say, the most active repo with fast and good
updates is repo atrpms. But if you enable atrpms repo on FC3 system that is a fresh installation or a running some time box.. you see so much fro atrpm
that you think.. holy moly i get a new Linux  install :)

That's why I've pretty much always avoided using ATrpms. But if you like it, that's great for you.

Nils Breunese.

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