Danny Terweij - Net Tuning | Net wrote:
Not 1 of all the FC3 repo's providing a new version. I use RH since 5.0. But
sinds Fedora i dislike it more and more.

Are there here people that wants create a *real* legacy-updates repo for NEW

If you want new versions of Fedora's applications, you should upgrade to a newer version of Fedora Core. In this case, it looks like FC4 still uses X-Chat 2.4, but FC5 (which includes X-Chat 2.6.0) is due later this month.

That has *always* been the usual way to update built-in apps with Linux: either update them manually, or wait until you get the next version of the OS. It's been like that at least as far back as Red Hat 5, and probably earlier.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications <www.speed.net>

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