
First off, here's a brief introduction. My name is Jamie, I'm an 'Interactive Developer' working for a web/media company based in Bristol, UK. I have roughly five years experience in Linux server administration from the days of Red Hat 5.

I've been a member of the Fedora Legacy Project mailing lists for about a month now and joined primarily to keep up to date with the latest bug and security fixes. I've found the discussion between members to be quite insightful and informative, and have been able to glean some useful information and resources regarding the Fedora platform, so thanks all round.

I'm sure I'll have my share of questions to put to the group and I will certainly contribute where I can. Although I work in a production environment my company has just invested in some server hardware to act as a test bed for any updates and/or modifications to our live set-up. This will give me the ability to install, test and give feedback on test updates released, and also put my limited experience and knowledge of Linux web-based server admin to good use, with a hope of giving something back to the online community.



James Saunders
Interactive Developer, Featurecreep Ltd.
Tel: +44 (0)117 905 5078

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