On Mon, 2006-03-20 at 07:22 -0800, Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Monday 20 March 2006 03:19, Dag Wieers wrote:
> > I'm including the fedora legacy project in this mail to see if they can
> > provide empty repositories in advance so they can be included at all
> > times.
> I'm toying w/ the idea of dropping apt support as of FC3.  With the start of 
> multiple arches and with apt not being included in Fedora (but yum is), I'd 
> rather not deal with the long long metadata generation time, the hassle of 
> providing apt packages for each release and the nasty symlink tree I have to 
> create to be able to support it.  Apt metadata creation will continue to 
> happen for the older RHL releases, and Fedoras up to 2 I do believe, but from 
> 3 on, I'd rather use the native updating tools provided with Fedora.

Please do _NOT_ drop apt. I have found it is superior to yum with
keeping my 7.3 box up-to-date. 

What I would like to see is to have certain tools, such as sendmail,
included as the newer releases have security fixes and are often better
than whatever was/is available with the distros. 

just my 2 cents worth.

> That said, I did create empty repos for FC4 and FC5, and will create one for 
> FC6 once that gets going.  Hopefully by the time FC6 comes out, we'll be 
> moved over to using download.fedora.redhat.com as our master mirror and thus 
> all the rest of the Fedora mirror system.
> --
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> fedora-legacy-list@redhat.com
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G. Roderick Singleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PATH tech

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