Hi folks,

Looking around freenode the other day, I noticed this topic for the
channel #redhat:

    --- Topic for #redhat is Red Hat Linux 9 (Shrike) is EOL'd
    (End Of Life - no more security updates) | FAQ: http://people.
    redhat.com/tcallawa/faq.html | For support for Red Hat
    Enterprise products (RHEL 3, RHAS 2.1), go to #rhel | Fedora
    Core related discussion takes place in #fedora | Check out
    http://www.fedoralegacy.org if your distribution is EOL'd.

There is also this that comes across when you join #redhat:

    -ChanServ- [#redhat] If you're using Red Hat Linux, you need to
    strongly consider upgrading to Fedora Core. All versions of Red Hat
    Linux are end-of-lifed. Doing stupid things with Red Hat Linux entitles
    you to mocking, taunting, and silencing (free of charge). If you're
    running Red Hat Enterprise Linux, you might want to look in #rhel.

As far as I know, we are at present maintaining Red Hat Linux 7.3 and 9
for security updates, so that channel topic is just plain *wrong*.  

Wouldn't it be better for the topic to say something like:

    --- Topic for #redhat is Red Hat Linux 7.3 and 9 are in
    maintenance mode (security updates only) | FAQ:
    http://people.redhat.com/tcallawa/faq.html | For support
    for Red Hat Enterprise products (RHEL 4, 3, RHAS 2.1), go
    to #rhel | Fedora Core related discussion takes place in
    #fedora | Check out #fedora-legacy and http://www.fedoralegacy.org
    if your distribution is in maintenance mode.

Do we need to look into changing that topic, or should we just let it be??  
RHL 7.3 and RHL 9 are getting rather long in the tooth these days.  
Having those two distros to support in addition to all the others is
slowing down the work we do in fixing security issues in distros that are 
more up to date.

What do you all think??

                David Eisenstein

fedora-legacy-list mailing list

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