On Wed, Jun 14, 2006 at 11:04:38PM -0400, Jim Popovitch wrote:
> ...  I consider Fedora to be a desktop solution, and since I run 
> servers I have not considered Fedora a suitable replacement.  I do know 
> about the Fedora server-only ISO releases, but I feel the Fedora focus 
> is much more on applications and end-user stuff.  ...

Since I run quite a number of servers which are heavily used
(we were one of the sites that discovered the recent AMD bug),
I just want to comment that I find vanilla FC2 & FC3 quite
stable for our use.  I also like the desktop, since we have a
few of those, and have recently discovered some functionality
that I'd not previously noticed due to a special project (the
ease of use of removable media such as USB disks and DVD writing).

I too lack time to contribute other than my projects' funding of
the SNARE ports to FC2 & FC3.  Since that has locked us into
very specific kernel releases (2.6.9 & 2.6.11), we're currently
exploring what path to take to allow us to upgrade to something
newer (and I like what I've been reading about FC5 ... looks
like we'll be skipping FC4 completely :-).  However for now,
we *are* very locked in to FC2 & FC3, and won't be putting in
the effort to upgrade our FC2 systems until we have somewhere
past FC3 to go.  So I too expect that we'll be using FC2 for
several months to come.

We also have RH9 on systems that are highly configured (some
with significant custom applications running with minimal
support for those applications).  We do have an upgrade path
planned, but it's going to take *at least* 6 months or more
until we can start to work on their replacements.

One thing we use RH9 for over FC is tape servers.  We have a
significant need for a variety of tape drives (not for backups)
and just haven't found the driver support for FC.  And since we
haven't seen the stability for Linux (RH9), we're considering
a transition to Solaris for this (we're already using Solaris for
home directory NFS service since we've seen stability problems
with RH9 in the past).  Can anyone recommend a different Linux
distro to consider for rock solid tape (scsi) support?

Last I want to thank the FC/FL developers, testers, etc for their efforts.
I know it's a tremendous amount of work and always under-appreciated.

| Debbie Tropiano                            |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| Environmental Sciences Laboratory          |     +1 512 835 3367 w       |
| Applied Research Laboratories of UT Austin |     +1 512 835 3544 fax     |
| P.O. Box 8029, Austin, TX 78713-8029       | home email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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