On Sun, 25 May 2008 16:28:21 -0400, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

> Beartooth writes:
>>      Consequence : those of us with F9 but no GUI are, apparently, up
>> the creek. We can't get X to work, and we can't downgrade back to F8.
> You can never downgrade to an earlier release. That has never been the
> case, and will never be the case, at least not until rpm is replaced by
> something else.
> You are at Nvidia's mercy, to release a driver that's compatible with
> F9. Perhaps it's now clear why non-free binary blobs are a bad idea.

        If that's the real underlying problem; I don't know what sort of 
card I have, nor how to tell without the GUI. (I have neither the savvy 
nor the adroitness, nor yet the eyesight, to build a machine myself; what 
I do have is an electronic friend who has those things, who also runs 
Fedora, and who shares my attitudes. I take it for granted that anything 
he builds will be far better than I'd've managed.)

        For aught I know, it could be HP whose mercy I'm at -- the 
present monitor, replacing one that died suddenly, seems to be near state 
of the art: all my machines were managing (with Fedora and Ubuntu, not 
with CentOS) to use it last week; but none of them actually took 
advantage of its full size.

        I suppose, the time I did in fact downgrade, I must then have 
done a fresh install of RH9 over the top of FC1. I would do that now with 
F9 and F8, if I could recover a certain few files from the half-install. 

        But neither ssh nor scp works against it, getting "no route to 
host," and my router doesn't see it, either.

        I did try "service denyhosts stop" and "service network start" -- 
but only the former succeeded.

        Nor do I have the faintest inkling how to burn those files to CDs 
or DVDs without K3B nor Brasero.

        So I guess I just shut that machine down, and get by on backup 
while I wait for the Anaconda bug to be fixed a/o an nvidia driver to 
appear a/o an HP driver ....

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Fedora 8 & 9; Alpine 1.10, Pan 0.132; Privoxy 3.0.6;
Dillo 0.8.6, Galeon 2.0.3, Epiphany 2.20, Opera 9.27, Firefox 2.0
Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.

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