On Sun, 25 May 2008, Amadeus W.M. wrote:

> How can the device names change? You mean if I physically permute the

Usually without hardware or kernel changes they won't.

> drives? Back in the days of RH 5 the /dev/hda? scheme seemed pretty good.
> At any rate, this is the smallest of nuissances so far in F9.

If you change from a kernel that believes in
h's and s's to one that only believes in s's,
the names could change.
That happened to me.

If you happen to have a kernel that names devices in response order,
the names could change even in the absence of kernel or hardware changes.

To summarize: the device names are at least
partly the result of the whims of the kernel.
If the whims change or are intrinsicly inconsistent,
device names can change in the absence of hardware changes.

"Those parts of the system that you can hit with a hammer (not advised)
are called Hardware;  those program instructions that you can only
curse at are called Software."

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