I did an update from FC6 to 9 exactly and my system wasn't booting anymore. So 
I search on a forum and find the solution. I have to rebuild the initd image.

How I did it?
- DVD update in text mod to update packages and kernel
- then restart with DVD in rescue mod: follow instruction with chroot and 
mkinitrd with the new image and then it works. 

You can find those instructions in the Fedora Forum website, make a search with 
keywords : mkinitrd uname

Fc9 won't boot or anything else.  


--- En date de : Jeu 29.5.08, vincenzo romero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> De: vincenzo romero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Objet: Re: Fedora 6 directly to Fedora 9 upgrade path?
> À: "For users of Fedora" <fedora-list@redhat.com>
> Date: Jeudi 29 Mai 2008, 1h55
> I just bit the bullet ....
> 1.  upgrade was totally smooth - i did not do yum upgrade
> ... I just
> burnt the ISO DVD; and then booted off CD and chose,
> UPGRADE current
> system ...
> 2.  it took a long time, but it went smooth ...
> 3.  however, I further yum upgraded (AFTER the initial
> upgrade) ....
> my kernel, and installed the source (developer/headers) and
> upgraded
> .... somewhere AFTER upgrading to the latest kernel - I
> rebooted
> 4.  boot FAILED and was stuck at GRUB in the upper
> left-hand side ...
> 5.  booted off rescue cd and did a
> chroot /mnt/sysimage
> grub-install /dev/sda recheck
> 6.  I looked at the /boot/grub/ config files .. and for
> some reason
> peaked on the device.map .. and saw that it was changed -
> the current
> one looked like this:
> (fd0) /dev/fd0
> (hd0) /dev/sda
> 7.  I changed it back to only this:
> (hd0) /dev/sda
> And I was able to boot back into FC9!
> :)
> - V.
> -- 
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