On Fri, 30 May 2008 05:18:40 +0000, g wrote:

> greetings,
> thanks to all who provided links and mirrors for thunderbird.
> pulled 'thunderbird-' from several sites.
> found it interesting how size varied between.

?? You didn't really pay attention to the replies, did you?
> used 'yum', similar error on all 3.
> +++++
> Yum Version: 3.2.7
> COMMAND: yum -v -y install thunderbird- 2

What is the " 2" doing at the end of the command-line?
Btw, you would need "yum localinstall ..." for Yum to resolve
dependencies of locally downloaded packages.

> Ext Commands:
>    thunderbird-
>    2

> Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for 2
> Searching pkgSack for dep: 2

> Package thunderbird- is not signed

Why did you download it from koji instead of simply running "yum install
thunderbird"? The signed package is included in the official repositories
and your favourite nearby mirror.

You could still install it with the corresponding Yum option to
ignore the GPG signature check, but that is not recommended.

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