Bill Davidsen wrote:

> Rex Dieter wrote:

>> Closed only because no one bothered to confirm whether the bug still
>> exists yet or not.
> This is a clearly reported bug, with a clear and repeatable way to
> demonstrate it, and no note to indicate that any change has been made to
> fix it. Therefore why would someone need to verify that it still exists,
> since it can be reproduced in about the same time as it takes to mark it

Because newer versions of the software have been released since then,
someone/somewhere really does need to do the verification.

> I have the feeling that some bugs get totally blown off by marking them
> NEEDSINFO instead of UNMAINTAINED or WONTFIX, when the maintainer is the
> one who can't be bothered to check using the procedure the user
> provided. And why would a user bother, given that no one fixed it in a
> year?
> The hardest thing to do is admit you are too busy or unmotivated to
> maintain something and hand it off or drop it. Been there, did it too
> late several times.

Nod, excellent point.  In this case, I'll freely admit being both too busy
and unmotivated to personally help do much about this particular issue.  I
do my best to prioritize my time/efforts, and this one wasn't on my radar.

Still, for anything to happen and for bugs to be fixed, it takes at least
*one* person (or more, and more the better) to care enough to "champion the
cause", if you will.  If that requirement isn't met, the bugs die of
inattention, I'm afraid.

-- Rex

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