g wrote:

*virtual console*.

thanks for refresh. could not recall proper 'lingo'.

tho i learned them as 'virtual terminal'.

i am at wonder as to now many will correct my usage of;
  <ctrl+alt+f[1-6]> activate 'f[1-6]' command line screen
should have been;
  <ctrl+alt+f[1-6]> activate 'f[1-6]' virtual console

maybe i will worry about it.  ;o)

The number of virtual consoles with logins are controlled by /etc/inittab through F8. It changes in F9 - it looks like upstart manages it. Because X grabs the next free virtual console, it does not have to be on vc7. It is not uncommon to use other vertual consoles to display the output from things like syslog. They can also be used to pipe the stderr from a program so that you can see debugging messages without disrupting the output of the program. (You have to give yourself permission to use them.) I like using vc10 for log messages, and vc9 for debugging output.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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