On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 19:56 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Monday 09 June 2008 19:31:54 linuxguy wrote:
> > On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 19:21 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > > On Monday 09 June 2008 19:08:46 linuxguy wrote:
> > > > My email setup is 6 different gmail accounts, being sorted into about
> > > > 25 folders via rules.   The largest folder has about 150,000 messages
> > > > in it.  The smallest one has 5,000 messages in it.
> > > >
> > > > Is anyone using Thunderbird like this ?  How does it compare ?  How
> > > > hard is it to move over to it ?
> > >
> > > I don't recall what choices Tbird gives you, but whatever you do, don't
> > > put that number of messages into mbox folders.  That isn't what you have
> > > now, by any chance, is it?  If so, that's the cause of your problem.
> >
> > I've got a folder with 150,000 messages, yes.  Its not usually the one
> > that gives the problem though. Almost always the one that gives the
> > problem is the one that is open when you first start the application.  I
> > think there is a bug in retrieving the current message for viewing and
> > receiving a  new email into the folder.
> >
> > What is one supposed to do with large email folders, besides manually
> > breaking them up ?
> If mail folders are maildir it doesn't matter how many messages you have in 
> them.  Each message is stored as an individual file.  In an mbox folder each 
> message is tagged on to the end of the existing file.  When you get several 
> thousand messages in an mbox folder you have one mighty big file.  Consider 
> what happens -
> You decide that a certain thread of messages is of no interest to you, so you 
> delete the thread.  First the whole folder - thousands of messages - have to 
> be read in.  Then the messages have to be identified and deleted out of the 
> middle of the file.  Finally the compacted file has to be written to disk.  
> It works fine for small folders, but slows dramatically as the file grows.
> Anne
And what happens if you have 150,000 individual messages and you want to
delete a thread? You think that will be faster than with a single mbox
file? I doubt it.
BOO! We changed Coke again! BLEAH! BLEAH!
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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