On Thu, 2008-06-12 at 23:46 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Thursday 12 June 2008, Les Mikesell wrote:
> >Gene Heskett wrote:
> >> I'm trying to convert a test file, src code for a legacy computer, whose
> >> eol is a single cr into one with a newline subbed for each cr, and tr is
> >> being a pita, it broken, or there is PEBKAC.
> >>
> >> If I use this syntax:
> >>
> >> tr -c \r \n <filename  >filename2
> >>
> >> Then the whole file is converted to nnnnnnnnnn's, every byte.
> >>
> >> The manpage (and pinfo tr too) is, shall we say, completely lacking in how
> >> to handle the file I/O.
> >>
> >> So how do you use tr?"
> >>
> >> Or is there a better tool for this than tr?
> >
> >The tr syntax would be
> >tr -d '\r'
> >but for one or a few files you can just load in vi (vim) and
> >
> >:set fileformat=unix
> And that might be something that is not in the vim manpages Mike, thanks.
> >and write it back out.
> >
> >Plus, you probably have a program called dos2unix installed...
> os uses and end of line characterws
> That is the other option & with my CRS, I couldn't remember that name with a 
> $1000 bill being offered.  I'm seemingly being reminded that memory is the 
> second thing to go. :)
Except as stated by the OP your solution of dos2unix might not work, DOS
uses as eol characters cr followed by lf. So you would not want in that
case to replace a cr by a lf. You would want to just remove the cr.
In vi this is done by the command:
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