
I have a Dell Precision 490 with a nvidia Quadro FX 3500 card installed.

Both the vesa and nv drivers crash the machine.

It is a little odd in that if I go into run level 3, then 'startx', X runs as expected...one time.

However any attempt to go into runlevel 5, or startx again (ctrl-alt-backspace and startx) from run level 3, results in a corrupt gui and a hard crash within seconds.

I have the hardinfo_report.html for the machine, Xorg.0.log for the nv success, Xorg.0.log for nv failure, Xorg.0.log for vesa failure, and the nv xorg.conf.

Is this sufficient info for a bugzilla? And does this sound better as one report against an X11 component or separate reports against the nv and vesa drivers?


PS : at no time was any proprietary driver installed on this machine.

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