On Sat, 2008-06-14 at 18:31 -0400, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Brian Morrison writes:
> > I updated this morning for the new kernel plus another 30 or so updates.
> > 
> > After rebooting, I got a screen that read just GRUB, then nothing.
> > 
> > Initially I thought that the device.map file might have been the
> > problem, it had an entry for fd0 in it as the first device, then hd0
> > as /dev/sda. I edited the file to remove the fd0 entry and tried again,
> > but still the same result. In the end I re-installed grub again and got
> > the correct stage 1.5 message before the Grub screen came up.
> Generally, editing device.map is not enough. /sbin/grub-install must be 
> invoked to reinitialize the bootloader using the updated device.map file. 
> So, your changes to device.map didn't take effect until you reinstalled 
> grub.
> > Has anyone else had problems of this nature on updates recently? I
> > suppose this could have been a glitch but I've never had a boot sector
> > damaged before in this way in all the time I've been using Redhat and
> > Fedora,
> Not with the most recent set of updates, but both of my servers that use 
> softraid ended up getting a busted grub configuration installed by F9's 
> anaconda, when I upgraded from F8.
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I had the same problem on 2 out of 3 F9 machines recently updated. Fixed
it by booting from Live CD / USB and running grub and doing the
following :

>root (hd0,0)
>setup (hd0)

then re-booting (guess you should check hd0 is your boot device first).

It's also the first time I've had this problem since starting with RH7.

Apart from updating the kernel to, the only other
thing I can recall changing was to install Google Earth (only on the 2
machines that had problems) ... but seems unlikely that would upset the
boot loader.


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