On Thursday 19 June 2008 12:17:20 Gene Heskett wrote:
> That brings up another question.  I hear folks praising konquerer for its
> file manager abilities, but to me a file manager is a 2 pane operation ala
> mc.  I always fall back to mc cuz it Just Works(TM), it can do lots of
> things krusader can't even think about doing.  What the heck good is
> konquerer when an attempt to change directories in the left window throws
> away the right window?  I fail to see how that can possibly be useful.  I
> have not found a config option to make it a true, 2 pane file manager.  So
> why do they call it that?

What's wrong with 'split window'?  I sometimes have more than two panes open 
at once in konqueror if I'm doing some sorting.


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