On Mon, 30 Jun 2008 12:54:40 -0400, Bob Goodwin USA wrote:

> I have a Magellan 3100 GPS device that came with a USB cable and a
> collection of Windows software on a CD.
> Is there an application for F8 that will permit me to communicate with
> it.  At first I thought I would just plug it in and extract coordinate
> information for my present position but it's not that easy.
> It would be even more convenient if I could list a destination address
> from the computer keyboard instead of using the little touch screen
> which doesn't really seem designed for normal human sized finger tips.
> It does show up on my XFCE desk top when plugged in and I can list some
> files, none of which seem to be usable in Linux.
> Can I do anything with it via Linux?

        Wine 1.0 is out at last; so it's possible you can at last -- with 
it or CrossoverOffice. If you do, please post how here, with a large 

        I have Garmins, with software from Garmin, Maptech, Topo.com, and 
Delorme -- and I have <curse, snarl, screech> a machine I can run XP on 
just for that.

        Two or three years ago, I worked long and hard, with this list 
and two or three others including CrossoverOffice, to manage under linux. 
I managed to get two of the four suites of software to run under Fedora 
-- but never did get any of them to talk to any of my Garmins.

        There *are* also several linux-native apps -- if you're Alpha 
Plus Technoid enough to use them. Last time I tried, it took not only a 
lot more linux-savvy than I've got, but something like a graduate degree 
in cartography besides.

        Good luck! And  please report in exhaustive detail. Pretty please.

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Fedora 8 & 9; Alpine 1.10, Pan 0.132; Privoxy 3.0.6;
nine (count 'em -- nine) different browsers
Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.

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