Erwin Rol wrote:
> I have a problem with gtkdoc on Fedora 9. It doesn't want to resolve
> external references like;
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" 
> ""; [
> ]>
> After trying to see if it was a network problem i noticed that there was
> never any network traffic for that URL. With strace i noticed it tried
> to stat() the URL and that of course returns an error. 
> When i than looked into gtkdoc-mkhtml i found a --nonet option was used
> for xsltproc. When i removed that option everything worked fine. (I also
> tried this with the glib sources, not just my own stuff).
> The following patch does the trick;
> --- /usr/bin/gtkdoc-mkhtml.orig       2008-07-01 15:45:25.000000000 +0200
> +++ /usr/bin/gtkdoc-mkhtml    2008-07-01 15:45:34.000000000 +0200
> @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
> fi
> if $is_xml; then
> -  /usr/bin/xsltproc --nonet --xinclude \
> +  /usr/bin/xsltproc --xinclude \
>       --stringparam gtkdoc.bookname $module \
>       --stringparam gtkdoc.version "1.9" \
>       $gtkdocdir/gtk-doc.xsl $document || exit $?
> But somehow this can't be the right solution :-) anybody know what the
> real fix for the problem is ?

You're probably missing a dockbook package.  I believe it may be
docbook-dtds (which provides docbookx.dtd), but I'm not sure.  I have
run into this problem before and it was invariably a missing package
with needed docbook dtd's or other parts.

Hopefully that gets you going in the right direction.

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Abstainer, n.:
    A weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a
    -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

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