William Case wrote:

I have started this thread again as a new thread.  The previous "Double
checking grub-install ??" lead off in all kinds of plausible directions.
I think I now have more of a focus.

To recap:

I am getting a double Fedora grub splashimage at boot.  I have a dual
boot system with WindowsXP on sda and Fedora 9 on sdb.  I have some
experience with installing grub but made a typo type mistake during a
grub install a month ago and I think (??) that might have been the root
of my double splashimage problem.

If I remember correctly from the first thread, you would get a brief flash on the screen with Fedora at the top of the screen, a short pause, and then the proper splash screen with Fedora on the bottom. This is a good indication that ether the video card or the monitor are changing modes to properly display the splash screen. I would suspect that it is the monitor changing modes to match the video output.

While it will not prove this isn't the problem, it would be interesting to see what happens if you log into the GUI, and then hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 and see if you get the same kind behavior.

Didn't the problem go away when you turned off the splash screen, and ran Grub in the text mode?


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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