> 2008/7/5 Mike Burger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 16:38 +0200, Antonio M wrote:
>>>> Alt-F1 is not working on my system!!! so our problems are not
>>>> completely similar.
>>> That should be Ctrl-Alt-F1.
>> Just suggested that, too, however, if his symptoms were like mine (blank
>> text screen with blinking cursor in upper left corner) ALT-F1 usually
>> works just fine.
>> CTRL is usually only needed to get from the X screens to the first TTY.
> I have no blinking cursor
> I have filed a bug
> See Bugzilla Bug 454055: Latest updates prevent graphic login
> Now I have a F9 with a F10 kernel (the only package from F10), but
> this kernel prevented the use of my Crystal webcam that was playing
> fine until thursday morning!!!!

I noted you were able to use the kernel to get around the graphical login
issue...also read the Crystal Eye thread.

> I agree that F10 maybe broken, but I see same breakage in F9. :-(

The issue I'm seeing is in F9...not brave enough to move to F10...and
thinking I should have stayed at F8. ;-)
Mike Burger

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