Tim wrote:
On Mon, 2008-07-07 at 20:37 -0700, Knute Johnson wrote:
My latest installation of F9 will not send mail when first started.  I
must restart sendmail to send any mail but after that it works fine
until I restart Fedora.

Are you using Network Manager?

Yes I am.  That is an alternative on my desktop but a pain for my laptop.

If so, I had that problem until I stopped using it.  It didn't get the
network up and running in time, when sendmail fires up, and sendmail
never recovers.

An alternative would be to put a restart script into the Network Manager
Dispatcher directory.  That way sendmail will be restarted any time the
network goes down and up.  A smart script would check whether it should
restart a running service, or do nothing to a deliberately stopped

Could you provide a little more detail on exactly how to do this?



Knute Johnson

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