On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 15:48:56 -0400, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

> (by way of intro, i got to this point after pretty much trashing my X
> setup trying to get googleearth to run properly, and finally putting the
> bits and pieces back together enough to restore a normal X session. 
> grrrrr.  we'll be getting to that little adventure shortly.)
>   scenario:
>       gateway mx8711 laptop
>       1440x900 res display
>       intel 945GM video controller
> at the moment, the system really is running at full 1440x900, but only
> because it's set that way via:
>   System -> Preferences -> Hardware -> Screen Resolution
> which is set to 1440x900 and Laptop 17".
>   however, what i don't understand is why i can't select that
> resolution via
>   System -> Administration -> Display  (system-config-display)
> which lets me go only as high as 1024x768.
>   when i run s-c-d, under "Settings", i see only up to 1024x768, but
> if i go over to the "Hardware" tab, i see:
>   Monitor Type:  LCD Panel 1440x900
>   Video Card:  Intel ... 945GM/GMS ...
> so i'm confused ... the Hardware tab clearly recognizes the display, yet
> the Settings tab won't let me choose that resolution.

        I've done one helluva lot of such fiddling lately, trying to 
accommodate to the new HP w2207h I bought when my old square lcd monitor 
died suddenly. One trick that often helps is to log out and back in 
*twice*. In your present situation, particularly, if you log out and back 
in, *then* (and not sooner) you should be able to make that change. Then 
of course you'll have to log out and back in yet another time, to get it 
to take the new change. <sigh>

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.

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