On Wed, 2008-07-16 at 12:10 +0800, Robert Bernabe wrote:
> Hi all,
>     Many thanks in advance.  We are investigating Fedora Core right now 
> and one of the concerns is that the FC system will not be connected (or 
> allowed to connect to the internet). All updates will have to be done 
> offline. Is there a central place to check for updates to download for 
> offline installation? Is there a compiled tar file for this anywhere?  
> We are trying to google right now and just thought to ask...if the 
> answer here is RTFM then I'm sorry.

Rule 1 about asking questions on Internet mailing lists:

                         Do Not Hijack Threads!

You simply replied to some random message that has nothing to do with
your topic, instead of starting a new message on your chosen subject.
You'll get a lot more cooperation if you understand that this annoys a
lot of people a great deal.

Thank you for your cooperation.


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