Christopher Mocock wrote, On 07/17/2008 08:37 AM:
Hi list,

I'm trying to get SATA hot-swapping to work in Fedora 9 but I'm either having no luck or doing it wrong.

I've tried a variety of disk controllers including an LSI MegaRaid,

lsi does not show up on so you have to figure out what driver supports the card and ask about that driver.

3Ware 9550SX,
apparently you need to ask at the driver maker's site if they support it.

and I'm now working with a Supermicro SAT2-MV8 (Marvell chipset - sata_mv module).

according to the 'Driver / feature matrix'

feature=Device Hotplug
feature state=no

I was under the (possibly mistaken) impression that if I insert or remove a disk, I should see something in /var/log/messages. I've also been running "ls -l /dev/disk/by-path" to see if the device name appears or disappears, but it never does.

Is there any kind of special setup required or should it "just work"?

The disks I'm using are either Seagate SATA2 or older Hitachi SATA1 drives, I have a few to play with. The disks are not formatted in any way as my application treats them as raw block devices. Still, I would expect to see the contents of /dev/disk/by-path to change when I insert or remove a disk.

When using the 3Ware card, I did get a message from the 3Ware driver saying that a disk had been removed or inserted, but it didn't change the contents of /dev/disk/by-path and the message was from the driver, not the kernel or udev or any other subsystem.

I should mention that the disks appear fine if they are inserted before I boot on all the disk controllers I've tried.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

There may be some user space tools you need too.


Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane)
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter

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