On Fri, 2008-07-18 at 09:36 -0700, Rick Stevens wrote:
> Steve Searle wrote:
> > Around 04:48pm on Friday, July 18, 2008 (UK time), Gijs scrawled:
> > 
> >> Not sure why this is happening so perhaps someone can explain this to me.
> >> Whenever I update bind it messes up/resets access rights on my zone 
> >> files. Now normally this wouldn't be a bad thing, but because I have 
> >> dynamic updates on, for which named creates journalizing files, I end up 
> >> having non-writeable journalizing files. So after every update I end up 
> >> having to manually change the access rights on my jnl files.
> >>
> >> Is anyone else having the same problem and/or is it supposed to be like 
> >> this?
> > 
> > I am having exactly this problem on my CentOS server.  It started
> > recently and I haven't managed to fix it, or find any more about it yet.
> > 
> > It bugs the hell out of me - if you do get a solution outside this
> > board can you let me know.
> It's undoubtedly one of the %post scripts in the rpm that's doing it.
> Bugzilla it.
actually, I don't use Fedora for bind but rather RHEL or CentOS and it
exhibits the same behavior if I have dynamic updates turned on too. The
same thing happens if I just restart manually but seemingly not when
logs rotate. I presume that a complete shutdown/restart should have the
initscript delete the journal files or something but I never bothered
trying to figure it out.

you can chmod g+s, g+w /var/named/chroot/var/named to ensure that the
journal files are always created as group named


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