Rich Emberson wrote:
For a non-laptop machine with the following target
characteristics: energy efficient, non-gaming, powerful
and fast; should SSDs (
be used and, if so, how? SSD have very fast seek times and
can have fast read speeds (

Specifically, what directories ought to be allocated to
the SSD drives?
Boot (/boot)?
All of the bin directories (/bin, /usr/bin, etc. since
these are mostly read-only and are used alot)?
Lib directories (/lib, /usr/lib, etc.) ?

If you are running a database, should at least the index tables
be mapped to an SSD? Some of the main tables maybe too big for
the current generation ($$) of SSDs.


SSDs are great at everything except small writes, because you have to re-write an entire 128k block just to set a single 0 bit to a 1 within that block. The new high-capacity Multi-Layer Cell drives are much slower at writes than the more expensive Single-Layer Cell drives, though this is expected to change in the near future as the technology matures.

For desktop use, SSDs are great on Linux. For your database, as long as you don't have a lot of small updates going to the SSD, you should be fine. For example, if you have an index that's keyed on something that changes very rarely, and you put that on the SSD, it'll perform very well even if some of the contents of the records themselves (stored on magnetic disk) change frequently.

-- Chris

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