I have just done a clean f9 install on a laptop where the user areas are
on a separate partition (/opt/Local/home) on the HD.

Having left SELinux on after the install I did my usual post-install
change of doing as root:
cd /
mv home home.dist
ln -s /opt/Local/home .

Now /home is a symlink to /opt/Local/home

I can now login as a normal user..... BUT

If I now ssh into the machine from another machine on the network
I find that I cannot get the home directory for that user!

The message is:
Last login: Wed Jul 23 21:32:14 2008 from bla.bla.com
Could not chdir to home directory /home/username: Permission denied

I am presuming that this is an SELinux denial... even though it
does not say so explicitely.

I have read that there are difficulties with symlinks in SELinux
and I wondered if someone who has been through this could advise?

I have heard that replacing a symlink with a bind mount will make
an improvement - 

i.e. make a new directory /home and then bind mount it from

Presumably this would need an entry in fstab to make it work at boot?
If so what is the appropriate fstab line?

Thanks in advance.

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