and guess what....
The AuthInfoRequired line will keep re-appearing.
It is written there by cupsd
Remove the line, restart cups and you'll be able to print once.
If you want to print again, you'll need to restart cups.

I've spent more than a day solving this.

Ended up downloading the cups-1.3.8-source.tar.bz2 from the cups website and applying the following patches and then recompiling / installing cups: diff --recursive cups-1.3.8/scheduler/printers.c cups-1.3.8ae/scheduler/printers.c
<         p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "negotiate";
>         p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "none";
<       p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "negotiate";
>       p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "none";

I have no idea how this crap got into cups or even why authentication should be necessary to print locally. Anyway, it has nothing to do with the security deny/allow stuff in cupsd.conf

The above effectively forces the word 'negotiate' after the AuthInfoRequired keyword to be treated as none.

On Sun, 2008-07-20 at 18:07 +0000, g wrote:

   Craig White wrote:

       AuthInfoRequired negotiate

       got into /etc/cups/printers.conf in the printer definition and
       the line completely solved it.

       I have no idea how it got there

   because you use a computer and it forgot "1st law"?

   interesting anyway.

   do printers set up with this install. i use it just for internet. will
   check files under other installs. will be interesting to see what they

   glad you got it working.

sometimes, I haven't a clue to references that you make - i.e. - 1st

I routinely set up cups to offer print queues for users whether Linux
(automatic discovery, automatic setup), Macintosh (via cups or via
netatalk) and Windows (via Samba, providing APW) and cups has been a
remarkable print server/service with very few problems.

Obviously I try to stay away from editing the cups config files by hand
because they tend to get trampled on by cups configuration tools
(http://localhost:631) or via system-config-printer (which finally seems
to live in peace alongside cups configuration tools).

Something, somewhere, somehow entered that line in the printers.conf
file (AuthInfoRequired negotiate) as I am quite certain that I didn't
put it in there - not even from an errant selection in one of the above
mentioned configuration tools.

Anyway, c'est la vie - that's what I get for not raking through the
config files with emacs and relying upon the gui tools

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