Alexandre Oliva wrote:

it has always been immoral to demand that others give up their rights.

Taking away legitimate rights, yes, that would be immoral.

Taking  away any right is immoral.

But taking
away Immoral rights, that serve the purpose of exerting power over
others and taking away their rights and freedoms, no, nothing immoral
or wrong about that.

There is nothing immoral about the MPL, CDDL, etc., etc..

The GPL was intentionally incompatible because it's only purpose is
to force you to choose between giving up your rights or sharing

You can't give up a right you never had.  The GPL (or any Free
Software license) doesn't (and can't) take away any right you had.

If you look at it that way, then it gives no permission to share at all, and that becomes its only feature.

Its purpose is to ensure that all recipients have the four freedoms
respected in all programs based on the program licensed under it.
Permitting the program to be distributed under whatever terms you like
would grant you the power to not respect others' freedoms.  I'd much
rather you didn't have that power, and if you are a well-meaning
person, respectful of others, you shouldn't mind that you don't.

A person who is respectful of others cannot demand to take their choices away.

Of course I do.  There's never a reason for anyone to give up their
rights, and no need to withhold  the ability to share code.

If everyone was respectful of others, there wouldn't be any such
reason, indeed.

The concept of respect has no meaning unless it is a choice. The GPL takes away your right to make that choice. Or it denies your ability to share. Neither are desirable.

> Unfortunately, some people are too selfish, don't think of others, and
need society to put some limits on them so that they get stronger
reasons to respect others' rights.

It doesn't matter that some people are selfish. In terms of software sharing they can never harm what others make available.

> That's the reasoning behind

And it is clearly misguided, given that there is no value in what it provides, and much harm it what it takes away.

It has its drawbacks and inconveniences, no doubt, but
we're much better off when someone has to decide between respecting
others' freedoms or incurring the costs of duplicating code in order
to not respect them: at least some of them will then decide to respect
others, and, for those who decide not to, they wouldn't have respected
them in the first place, so we lose nothing from them.

No, we are not better off. We have a sort-of usable OS that is prohibited from having the additions that would make it able to displace the monopoly we've been stuck with for decades. We have prohibitions that make it unlikely that a business model will ever make sense that gives anyone the incentive to promote it. So basically even though there is some fairly good software around, the GPL restrictions make it as though it doesn't exist for most people.

So the only actual loss is from incompatibility between Free Software

No the actual loss is in the restrictions on creating improvements in all forms. The GPL either prohibits innovation or prohibits sharing, depending on whether you accept it or not.

The point is that the work-as-a-whole clause is an immoral

Granting permissions over the work as a whole is immoral?

Requiring such restrictions on other peoples' work as a condition of sharing any is immoral.

The thing that's not acceptable is forcing a decision to give up your
rights or to not be able to share the code.

The only situation in which you're not able to share the code is when
it's part of a work that is based on someone else's work.

Would you care to estimate how many potential improvements that prohibits?

You don't
have a right to share that without permission from this someone else.
If you pretend that you do, you're misleading and confusing yourself
and others.

Fine, but since the GPL's purpose is clearly to prohibit such sharing it should simply say so instead of hand-waving about freedom while taking yours away.

Depending on your legal system there may or may not be a difference
between a license and a contract, but having agreed to:

  "b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
    parties under the terms of this License."

Ok, that's 2b.  [I realize I responded before as if you were referring
to 3b, sorry.]  Now, please realize that this is not to be taken in
isolation.  This is a condition on one of the various grants of
permission for you to copy and distribute the program.

There is no way to take any of the rights that the GPL conveys compared to copyright law without this clause being applied.

  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
  of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
  distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
  above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

There are other permissions that enable you to copy and distribute the
program, such as 1. and 3.  As long as you operate under any one of
them, you're covered.  And, if you have any other permissions, granted
by other licenses or arrangements, you can exercise them too.

No you can't, unless that other license covers the complete work. If there is any part where only the GPL applies you must accept the 2b terms or you can't share it at all.

doesn't prevent you from doing so.  What you quoted above is just
saying that, if you abide by those conditions, then the GPL grants you
these permissions.

No, it is a mandate that you must accept. Or not. If you don't, only copyright law applies.

It doesn't say that you have to agree to never do different from that.

That is exactly what is says.

Say, you can still breathe after you accept the GPL, even though the
GPL doesn't say you can.  And if it did say something like:

  2+i) You may modify your copy or copie of the Program or any portion
  of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
  distribute such modifications or work under whatever terms you like,
  provide that you meet this condition:

  a+i) you stop breathing immediately.

(nevermind that such a condition is unenforceable, let's pretend it
 isn't, for the sake of the argument)

Now, if you accept such an hypothetical IAGPL (Imaginary Asphyxiating
GPL ;-), would you be agreeing to never breathe again?
No, you wouldn't.  There's nothing in it that forces you to stop
breathing the moment you accept the license.

But if you don't you don't get the rights agreement would confer. If you agree, then you'd be expected to fulfill your part of the agreement.

At this point, let's assume hypothetical Les Mikesell asks:

] But what if I distribute the program?  Don't I have to stop
] breathing immediately?

No.  If you didn't stop breathing, and I (let's assume I'm the
copyright holder) sue you for copyright infringement because you
evidently didn't stop breathing, your lawyer will tell the court:
"See, your honor, my client chose to distribute the program under
clause 2, not 2+i, and he complied with the conditions set forth in
it."  The judge would then verify that you have indeed complied with
those terms, and that therefore you had indeed permission to
distribute the work the way you did.  I'd be laughed out of the court,
regardless of whatever clause 2+i said.

I've never argued about what you might be able to get away with. There are sometimes ways that people obtain proprietary software without complying with its licence requirements too. I'm talking about what the license actually says and what has to happen if you comply with it.

Now, going back to the real GPL, version 2, that you quoted.  1.,
2. and 3. are separate, mostly independent permissions (except whey
they explicitly refer to each other).

No they aren't. Where you have choices, they are explicit. There is no way to comply with any of the license without the work-as-a-whole clause. I'm beginning to understand why you feel the license is acceptable, though, if you don't actually bother to comply with its terms.

consider all of the possibilities you have given up the right to
create and share.

Easy.  None whatsoever.

Just consider the possible permutations of code with all GPL components, all MPL components, all CDDL components. The GPL prohibits most of those possibilities from ever being shared.

And here's a more pragmatic take on the issue.

You'll note the prevalent use of open source, and the clear motivation
on "perhaps getting more contributions from commercial corporations"
[who don't want to respect others' freedoms] rather than "respecting
others' freedoms".

Yes, that's a valid opinion.  They don't drink the cult kool-aid.

No wonder they may get to different conclusions than those whose
values they don't share.

And valid conclusions at that.

Some key points to their assessment is:

  those who learn to cooperate will benefit the most. We believe that
  this cooperation should be based on mutually acceptable terms, and
  that the best basis for cooperation is voluntary contributions.

Do you not agree that cooperation should be voluntary? Or that you should have the right to make that voluntary choice?

  Based on our experience, we advise open-source developers to use the
  least amount of copyleft necessary.

I.e., anecdotal evidence for an unsupportable belief,

Unsupportable?  They are talking from experience.

most likely
already held before,

Of course, they are logical too.

that they'd get more commercial contributions if
they "permitted commercial exploitation", while fear of commercial
exploitation was their primary motivator (misguided as it was) for the
choice of a strong copyleft license in the first place.

Something that you make freely available can't be 'exploited' in any way that hurts it. It can only be improved.

Do I need to point out the contradiction here, or is it obvious

I see no contradiction to anything but your own unsupportable beliefs that additional modified copies of anything can be harmful.

   Les Mikesell

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