On Monday 28 July 2008 04:06, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> Antonio Olivares wrote:
> It's a huge mistake to create analogies between information and property.
> If the cow were software, you and I could both milk it.  It would never
> run out.  That's the way information works: you copy it and the original
> is left intact.

Hey, how about me starting a quest here? :-)

When you say "information" above, you actually mean "classical information", 
as opposed to quantum information, which does not possess the property of 
copying (this famous property is called the no-cloning theorem).

So you should certainly agree that we should all support the movement that in 
all books, media and language on the planet, word "information" be 
substituted with "classical/information", in order to emphasize the 
distinction from quantum/information, and thus give appropriate credit to all 
those hard-working quantum physicists who taught us that there is a 
difference in such an important notion?

So please, whereever it appears from now on, write and say 
classical/information and GNU/Linux, instead of information and Linux. It is 
social injustice to do the latter. We need to educate the ignorant general 
public about these things.

How about it? It is a proper and moral thing to do! We'll feel better doing 
it, and when we look back at our lives, we'll see that we did our best to 
straighten up not one, but two big social injustices on this planet. ;-)

Of course, if anyone tries to disagree, I have very strong arguments of 
persuasion (remember, I'm a physicist, I know some about this quantum stuff), 
and am willing to create a thread of magnitude so far unseen on Fedora list 
(or any list).  And it wouldn't be off-topic, because the same quest is both 
about classical/information and GNU/Linux, so it is relevant.

Come on folks, what do you say? Is anyone willing to co-found a non-profit 
organization with me for this cause? I apel on your morality, ethics and a 
feeling on what is the Right Thing here.

Best, :-)

P.S. I certainly hope that everyone gets the true point of this post, because 
otherwise... ;-)

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