oleksandr korneta wrote, at 07/30/2008 09:52 PM +9:00:
on 07/30/2008 03:01 AM Mamoru Tasaka wrote:
Mamoru Tasaka wrote, at 07/30/2008 04:00 PM +9:00:

oleksandr korneta wrote, at 07/30/2008 01:58 PM +9:00:

I have a Twin-view configuration setup with the LCD monitor and TV. It used to be that xscreensaver treated those independently and launched an individual whatever_the_screensaver_was_selected on each of them. After the recent update of xscreensaver-gl-extras-gss-5.06-2.fc8 and xscreensaver-gl-extras-5.06-2.fc8 my setup is treated as one common area and a single screensaver is launched in the middle. It looks kinda ugly, because of the significantly different resolution between the display devices.

So I am wondering whether the current behavior this is a bug or feature and is it possible to turn back the old behavior without rolling back to the previous version? Maybe some command-line parameter?

It may be that I cannot solve your problem, however would you tell me
what "xscreensaver -verbose" say (after once you stop xscreensaver by
"xscreensaver-command -exit")?

here you are:

xscreensaver 5.06, copyright (c) 1991-2008 by Jamie Zawinski <[EMAIL 
xscreensaver: 08:46:46: running as sashko/users (501/100)
xscreensaver: 08:46:46: in process 9767.
xscreensaver: 08:46:46: running on display ":0.0"
xscreensaver: 08:46:46: vendor is The X.Org Foundation, 10300000.
xscreensaver: 08:46:46: useful extensions:
xscreensaver: 08:46:46:   MIT Screen-Saver (disabled at compile time)
xscreensaver: 08:46:46:   Shared Memory
xscreensaver: 08:46:46:   Double-Buffering
xscreensaver: 08:46:46:   Power Management
xscreensaver: 08:46:46:   GLX
xscreensaver: 08:46:46:   XF86 Video-Mode
xscreensaver: 08:46:46:   Xinerama
xscreensaver: 08:46:46:   Resize-and-Rotate
xscreensaver: 08:46:46: screen 0 non-colormapped depths: 0 24.
xscreensaver: 08:46:46: screens in use: 1
xscreensaver: 08:46:46:    0/0: 2480x1050+0+0 (default)
xscreensaver: 08:46:46: selecting RANDR events
xscreensaver: 08:46:46: consulting /proc/interrupts for keyboard activity.
xscreensaver: 08:46:46: 0: visual 0x21 (TrueColor, depth: 24, cmap: default)
xscreensaver: 08:46:46: 0: saver window is 0x800001.
xscreensaver: 08:46:46: selecting events on extant windows... done.
xscreensaver: 08:46:46: awaiting idleness.

Or file a bug against xscreensaver so that we can discuss there.

it is my understanding that filing a bug in this case means sending the message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], or do you mean fedora's bugtracker?

Please File on Fedora bugzilla. I will add jwz as CC member.


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