Hi Mikkel, Patrick and others

On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 13:29 -0500, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> William Case wrote:
> > First problem; my 'hosts' file backup was recovered. So I think that was
> > what I had. Every manual and the file itself said don't touch this file.
> > I touched it.  Did I get it back to its original shape? I tried
> > replacing with which 'ifconfig' and 'hostname -va'
> > say is my inet addr.  (Why it is not is a question for
> > another day).
> > 
> > My ifcfg-eth0 script says:
> > # nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller
> > DEVICE=eth0
> > BOOTPROTO=dhcp
> > HWADDR=00:1a:92:e5:dc:47
> > ONBOOT=yes
> > TYPE=Ethernet
> > DNS1=
> > 
> > 'route' also lists the default as not xxx.xxx.x.3
> > 
> If you are using DHCP, you usually do not want to specify your name 
> servers. (DNS1)
> Also, your default route should point to your gateway to the 
> Internet. If you are using a firewall/router, it should point to 
> that address.
> You may also want to look at /etc/resolv.conf and see what name 
> server(s) you have listed.
> I don't remember if you said, gut is your problem that you can not 
> connect using host names, but you can using IP addresses?
That is what seems to b happening.  Xchat works and Evo starts off-line,
but works when I put it back online it works fine.  My browsers don't
work at all.  I get warnings to try again; that they are offline but
won't go back online.

> Also, is the network service running, or the NetworkManager service 
> running? Because the way you have ifcfg-eth0, it does not look like 
> NetworkManager is controlling it.
> service network status
> service NetworkManager status

]$ service network status
Configured devices:
lo eth0
Currently active devices:
lo eth0
]$ service NetworkManager status
NetworkManager (pid 2442) is running...

]$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
; generated by /sbin/dhclient-script

Re-read man resolv.conf "
"  On a normally configured system this file should not be necessary.  The
       only name server to be queried will be on the local machine; the
domain name is determined from the host name and the  domain  search
path is constructed from the domain name."

So who or what is  Can it be my cheapo router?  My
household network is simple. Cat5 lines leading from ever room in the
house (bought the house that way) to the router; three computers in
different rooms connected to the router; the router connected to the
cable modem; and, out.

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Regards Bill;
Fedora 9, Gnome 2.22.3
Evo., Emacs 22.2.1

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