Bill Davidsen wrote:
> Todd Zullinger wrote:
>> I think it is quite relevant, especially for someone looking for
>> wireless firmware.  He'd be exposing a system that has not had any
>> security updates for over a year wirelessly.  That's not a wise
>> idea at all, and one that I think should be discouraged on this
>> list.
> Feel free, I simply don't think that connecting via wireless is
> going to  make him notably less secure than connecting via wire.

Nor do I.  My point wasn't about wireless versus wired.  It was simply
that of all the things to help someone do with an unsupported release,
getting network connectivity is one of the least wise.  I probably
should have been more careful with my words. :)

> My impression is that Ubuntu follows upgrades while RHEL patches
> bugs,  but I haven't done a real analysis of the updates as they
> come in, so  don't ignore "impression" and think I spoke with
> certainty.

I don't use Ubuntu myself, but I did install the previous LTS release
(6.06) for a friend when that was current.  I was just visiting him
the other day and poked around a little.  His gnome release was still
2.14 or something close to that.  Thunderbird was still 1.5.  So I
didn't get the impression that Ubuntu was updating major system

Of course, I could very easily be wrong since I didn't look very
closely.  And I don't follow Ubuntu much at all.

>> But for better or worse, Fedora releases are only supported for ~13
>> months.  And I think it's a disservice to encourage anyone to run
>> them on a network after they've been EOL'd.  (I say this as someone
>> that has some ancient RHL servers in production still.  But I
>> assume all the risks and effort required to keep them properly
>> updated.)
> I'm reading this while building the new named from ISC in a VM, so I
> can  install it on a machine which has no compilers (for security
> reasons)  and which has a poor justification for a full upgrade.

Heh, I completely understand that.  Now, if you came here and asked
for support doing such a thing, I think the best help folks here could
give you would be to tell you to upgrade.  If you need the help,
that's the best advice.  If you don't need the help, then by all
means, take the risk and bear the burden.  I even agree that it's
worth it in some cases.

I should shut up now though.  I don't want you to think I'm arguing
just for the sake of arguing.  I don't mind doing that, but I find it
more enjoyable to do in person and over drinks. ;)

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
You can't make something idiot proof, idiots are too damned creative.

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