Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
On Wed, 06 Aug 2008 10:52:10 +0200 Mogens Kjaer wrote

Depending upon which Fedora

%post --log /root/post-install.log


%post --log /mnt/sysimage/root/post-install.log

AFAIK there is not a --log option for post section, but only one for the
interpreter to use (--interpreter ) and one to specify if you want a chroot
environment (default) or a non-chrooted environment (with --nochroot) . This
at least for RH EL upto 5.2... donna if latest fedora added this option...

In --nochroot you have to use paths relative to /mnt/sysimage for your
to-be-installed os

You can also have both %post and %post --nochroot sections inside the same
kickstart file.

I wrote it because I've actually tried it :-)

Since F9 the log file was created in the chroot environment,
before F9 it was not. No --nochroot was specified.

Havn't tried '%post --log' in RHEL 5, but in CentOS 5.2 it works
like in F8: The log file is created before chroot'ing.


Mogens Kjaer, Carlsberg A/S, Computer Department
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