2008/8/6  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi All
> I installed FC9 X86_64 and can't find iostat on this distro. the iostat
> command existed in RHEL4U4 for example and was stored in sysstat package.
> [root]# which iostat
> /usr/bin/iostat
> [root]# rpm -qf /usr/bin/iostat
> sysstat-5.0.5-11.rhel4
> on FC9, this package doesn't exist :
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] rpm -qa | grep sysstat
> I noticed in the archives, Deron Meranda had the same problem :
> Also during this time, I could see no significant system
> I/O
> occuring (where is the iostat command btw?).  Also
> vmstat showed a very
> calm system.
> do you know why this command is not here and
> which is its equivalent
> ?
> Thanks
> Jean-Philippe
> Battu
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yum install sysstat

Ivan Cat

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