2008/8/8 Bill Davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Jesus Jr M Salvo wrote:
>> 2008/8/6 Bill Davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Jesus Jr M Salvo wrote:
>>>> 2008/8/1 bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>> hi...
>>>>> for my $0.02....
>>>>> i would argue for getting a cheap ~$40 linksys G usb wireless dongle...
>>>>> i have a laptop, amd x64, running fedora8, and after trying for a few
>>>>> days
>>>>> to get the madwifi/atheros stuff working, i got the usb dongle, plugged
>>>>> it
>>>>> in, and lo and behold.. up/running in a matter of 5 mins!!!
>>>>> good luck...
>>>> I second that .. I just bought a Linkys WUSB54GC and it worked right
>>>> out of the box with Fedora9 x86_64.
>>>> It is using the rt73usb driver / module ... and the rtx drivers have
>>>> been included in main-line kernel 2.6.22(?) since about Jan 2008.
>>> I was ordering this and started reading reviews, really doesn't get a lot
>>> of
>>> love from people who have it:
>>>  http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductReview.aspx?Item=N82E16833124187
>>> I don't suppose anyone has tried the newer WUSB600N or WUSB300N, they
>>> both
>>> got decent reviews, support 802.11n (not a requirement), 256 bit
>>> encryption,
>>> and WPA2. The last could be an issue to connect at some customer sites.
>>> I'd
>>> love to have the features, the size of the 300N isn't an issue, and the
>>> price is less important than the reliability.
>>> Most of the complaints are about signal, I'm spoiled, my old ACER laptop
>>> with ipw2200 and whatever firmware was around when FC4 was new will work
>>> at
>>> home from my office to the library, through a floor with 2x8 joists and
>>> three real (plaster and lathe) walls, and will hear two routers in the
>>> apartment house down the road and three in the college, at least 400' and
>>> two brick walls away. People who say they have problems through a
>>> sheetrock
>>> wall make me think the sensitivity is lacking.
>>> Google finds many questions on these adaptors, and only minimal success
>>> using ndiswrapper, which is not a long term solution. Well, newegg has
>>> these
>>> WUSB54GC on sale, I'll take a chance on getting one and see if it holds
>>> up.
>>> Maybe someone else will get a driver for the fancy new devices in the
>>> meantime.
>>> Thanks for the part number.
>> Well ... my experience is different from those in the reviews ( maybe
>> they were using windows as some were talking about re-install? ).
>> Signal strength is about 75% according to network-manager when I have
>> direct line-of-sight to the wireless router. I have not tried walking
>> around the house to see how far I can get a signal from my wireless
>> router ( also a Linksys ... WRT54GL )
>> FWIW, I am also running with the latest kernel for F9 x86_64.
> Well, after a vast amount of hacking around with settings, I finally get
> mine working, and it works fine just where I need it, at the far end of a
> big old Victorian house, through floors and real walls. I'll be using it
> tonight while I watch the first Giants game. ;-)

Strange ... you said you have to do quite a bit of hacking to make the
Linksys WUSB54GC work, while in my case, just plug and play. What did
you have to do ?

You're using F9 ?

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