On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 12:32:52 +0200, Patrick wrote:

> Hi,
> I just installed F9 on a box and did a yum update. 700+ packages later I 
> see the following error:
>   Cleanup : gtk2           ######################### [885/885] <-last pkg
> ERROR:dbus.connection:Unable to set arguments () according to signature
> u's': <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: More items found in D-Bus signature
> than in Python arguments

> TypeError: More items found in D-Bus signature than in Python arguments
> My googling came up empty so I wonder if this error is a known issue and 
> if I should bugzilla this.

You could skim over  http://bugz.fedoraproject.org/yum
and  http://bugz.fedoraproject.org/dbus-python

> And how I can possible fix this error if it 
> impedes the correct working of yum.

Try "yum-complete-transaction" from yum-utils.

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