
I've a laptop of 50GB. I am using the half for fedora 8 and i want to use the 
rest for
windows. I made a lot of modifications to the partition in previous 
installations by win or fedora and now i want you to help me figure it the 
right way.
When i run gparted i see the following:

/dev/sda/ (46.56 GB)
/dev/sda3 26.22GB

unallocated 20.15GB
/dev/sda1 ext3 boot boot 203.92 MB 31.39 MB 172.53 MB boot
/dev/sda3 unknown    26.22 GB ... ... lvm
/dev/sda2 extended    20.15 GB ... ... lba
    unallocated unallocated    20.15 GB ... ...
unallocated unallocated    7.84 GB ... ...



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