Tim wrote:
>> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/MailingListGuidelines#If_You_Are_Replying_to_a_Message..
> Is anybody already enabled to edit that page?  That link requires
> the trailing two dots to work, but many mailing clients stop parsing
> the URI when the first dot is encountered (so they're not included).
> The page should be edited to remove the trailing dots from the text
> and the anchor.

Done.  I removed the trailing dots in the section title and added an
anchor so that the URL above still works.  So it works both ways now.
Win/win. :-)

> Wikis are not my strong point, but HTML and webserving are.  That
> was a very stupidly created link.

The wiki creates the anchor id automatically from the section title,
which contained the dots.  You could also use the simpler:


link to get there.  But you have to poke the html source to see the
#replying id.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Problems are opportunity in work clothes.

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