On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 7:44 PM, Tom Horsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I saw a message go past not too long ago about making
> fedora 10 the best ever. If anyone has any desire to
> cater to reactionary stick-in-the-mud users like me who hate
> almost everything new, then take a look at:
>   http://home.att.net/~Tom.Horsley/stick.html
> (Half rant, half useful information, OK maybe 70% rant)
> Maybe fedora 10 can get some features that make it simpler
> to disable annoying "improvements" instead of just
> assuming everyone will always be thrilled by them.
> Or, if there are things you also find annoying, perhaps
> that page will help you discover how to disable them
> and join in the stick-in-the-mud community :-).

Seems like PulseAudio is the way forward towards reducing the myriad
of "other ways". What problem do you have with it besides that it is

Fedora 7 : sipping some of that moonshine
( www.pembo13.com )

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