On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 2:45 PM, Jeff Spaleta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I missed the original thread detailing how you munched your NM config..ill
> need to go back and read it.  But quick answer for now on how you can work
> around this until i understand how you screwed up your NM config:

Okay I've caught up.

NM does NOT make use of most of the information set through
system-config-network usage nor any information you manually set in the
ifcfg-* scripts.  These are legacy network controls and there are provided
explicitly because the developers of NM know..full well..that NM is not
feature complete for all network needs. The are working on it.  My gut
feeling is you are primarily confused because you are expecting NM to read
the legacy network configs..and they don't.  It's not clear to me that you
made any changes to NM's configs..i saw you attempting to edit the legacy
configs and resulting confusion.

Before we get into specifics as to what you should or should not be doing to
configure to make NM useful for you again.. I need to understand what your
network topology and a succint and completely english-with no numbers or
urls-description of what you are trying to do with your network set up.

For example... NM works perfectly fine for my very mundane network
topologies I have to work with.  At home I have an off-the-shelf lan router
which acts as both dns and dhcp... NM works just fine there wired and
wireless.  I even vpn into work no problems.  At work I have another dhcp
server configuration to deal with, nothing fancy..things just work..wired
and wireless.

So I need to understand what inspired you to make manual changes at
all..before I can attempt to direct you on what to do.

I'm also probably going to need to review several of your network related
scripts down in /etc/sysconfig

And no..you can't just remove NM..dont even try..you'll just get into deep
deep trouble.

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