"man man" does not find anything.
"man -M /usr/share/man man" finds the man file for man just fine.
Directory permissions look fine. Config files are identical with
another F8 machine.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# man -d man
Reading config file /etc/man.config
found man directory /usr/share/man
found man directory /usr/local/man
found man directory /usr/local/share/man
found man directory /usr/X11R6/man
found manpath map /bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /sbin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/sbin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/local/bin --> /usr/local/share/man
found manpath map /usr/local/sbin --> /usr/local/share/man
found manpath map /usr/X11R6/bin --> /usr/X11R6/man
found manpath map /usr/bin/X11 --> /usr/X11R6/man
found manpath map /usr/bin/mh --> /usr/share/man

using /usr/bin/less -is as pager

using /usr/bin/less -is as browser

using /bin/cat to dump HTML pages as text
adding /usr/lib/alliance/man to manpath
No manual entry for man
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# man -d -M /usr/share/man man
Reading config file /etc/man.config
found man directory /usr/share/man
found man directory /usr/local/man
found man directory /usr/local/share/man
found man directory /usr/X11R6/man
found manpath map /bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /sbin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/sbin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/local/bin --> /usr/local/share/man
found manpath map /usr/local/sbin --> /usr/local/share/man
found manpath map /usr/X11R6/bin --> /usr/X11R6/man
found manpath map /usr/bin/X11 --> /usr/X11R6/man
found manpath map /usr/bin/mh --> /usr/share/man

using /usr/bin/less -is as pager

using /usr/bin/less -is as browser

using /bin/cat to dump HTML pages as text
adding /usr/share/man/en to manpath
adding /usr/share/man to manpath
will try to write /var/cache/man/en/cat1/man.1.bz2 if needed
status from is_newer() = -2
using default preprocessor sequence
found tbl(1) directive
not executing command:
(cd /usr/share/man/en && (echo ".pl 1100i"; /usr/bin/gunzip -c '/usr/share/man/en/man1/man.1.gz'; echo ".\\\""; echo ".pl \n(nlu+10") | /usr/bin/gtbl | /usr/bin/nroff -c -mandoc 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/less -is)

===8<--- For reference the following is the good system in action
[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# alias
alias RUN_UAE='UAE;./uae -f ../Configurations/WizardessWorld.UAE'
alias UAE='cd /usr/local/AmigaForever/Emulation/UAE/uae-0.8.8'
alias adsl='/etc/rc.d/init.d/adsl'
alias cookie='/usr/bin/fortune'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias dir='ls -lrt --color=auto'
alias do56='stty rows 56 cols 80'
alias l.='ls -d .* --color=auto'
alias la='ls --color=auto -A'
alias ll='ls -l --color=auto'
alias lla='ls -l --color=auto -A'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias mkd='. /usr/local/bin/mkd'
alias mmail='/bin/mail -f /var/spool/mail/root'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias qdhcp='cat /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias ssize='stty cols 80 rows '
alias startx='/usr/bin/startx -- :1'
alias using='lsof | grep '
alias vi='/usr/bin/vim'
alias which='alias | /usr/bin/which --tty-only --read-alias --show-dot --show-tilde'
[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# man -d man
Reading config file /etc/man.config
found man directory /usr/man
found man directory /usr/share/man
found man directory /usr/local/man
found man directory /usr/local/share/man
found man directory /usr/X11R6/man
found manpath map /bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /sbin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/sbin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/local/bin --> /usr/local/share/man
found manpath map /usr/local/sbin --> /usr/local/share/man
found manpath map /usr/X11R6/bin --> /usr/X11R6/man
found manpath map /usr/bin/X11 --> /usr/X11R6/man
found manpath map /usr/bin/mh --> /usr/share/man

using /usr/bin/less -is as pager

using /usr/bin/less -is as browser

using /bin/cat to dump HTML pages as text

path directory /usr/lib/qt-3.3/bin is not in the config file
and we found no man directory nearby

path directory /usr/kerberos/sbin is not in the config file
but there is a man directory nearby
adding /usr/kerberos/man to manpath

path directory /usr/kerberos/bin is not in the config file
but there is a man directory nearby

path directory /usr/lib/ccache is not in the config file
and we found no man directory nearby

path directory /usr/local/sbin is in the config file
adding /usr/local/share/man to manpath

path directory /usr/local/bin is in the config file

path directory /sbin is in the config file
adding /usr/share/man/en to manpath
adding /usr/share/man to manpath

path directory /bin is in the config file

path directory /usr/sbin is in the config file

path directory /usr/bin is in the config file

path directory /root/bin is not in the config file
and we found no man directory nearby

adding mandatory man directories

will try to write /var/cache/man/en/cat1/man.1.bz2 if needed
status from is_newer() = -2
using default preprocessor sequence
found tbl(1) directive
not executing command:
(cd /usr/share/man/en && (echo ".pl 1100i"; /usr/bin/gunzip -c '/usr/share/man/en/man1/man.1.gz'; echo ".\\\""; echo ".pl \n(nlu+10") | /usr/bin/gtbl | /usr/bin/nroff -c -mandoc 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/less -is)

Does anybody have any ideas regarding this little piece of insanity. (No,
there is not a "man" alias in the way either. And the man executables are

I did copy /home over to a new partition and then swapped mount points for
the two partitions. But /home is not involved in the man operation for
root so far as I know. So it's just a tad strange that man cannot find
the man pages which are there, world readable, and all that good stuff.

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