On 15.08.2008 07:10, Mogens Kjaer wrote:
Dave Burns wrote:
using rpmbuild command? What switches?
This is not rocket science :-)

For my x86_64 machine:

# rpm -i nvidia-kmod-173.14.12-2.lvn9.src.rpm
# rpm -i buildsys-build-rpmfusion-9.1-9.lvn9.src.rpm

Just FYI, you don't need to download or modify buildsys-build-rpmfusion to build a single kmod; it's way easier then that; quoting


=== Is it possible to compile a kmod against self compiled or other kernels? ===

Yes, easily, it's just a few steps. If you don't have a rpm build environment 
set one up like this
$ su -c "yum -y install rpmdevtools kmodtool kernel-devel"
$ rpmdev-setuptree

Now download the kmod src.rpm to the local directory and rebuild it for the 
running kernel:
$ yumdownloader --source kmod-foo
$ rpmbuild --rebuild foo-kmod*.src.rpm --define "kernels $(uname -r)" --target 
$(uname -m)

At the end of the build output you will see the names of the RPMs rpmbuild 
built. Use yum to install it with a command like this
$ su -c "yum --nogpgcheck install ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/kmod-foo-1.0-4.i686.rpm"

More details and notes:


P.S.: Hopefully the livna builder is back up in a few hours

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