On Fri, 2008-08-15 at 10:10 +0930, Tim wrote:
> Patrick O'Callaghan:
> > Yes it does. If you hit Reply the cursor is left at the top of the
> > quoted material and has to be manually moved to the bottom. That to me
> > is "encouraging top-posting". I reported this on the Evo Bugzilla a
> > while back, and after exchanging views with the devels was told they
> > would add an option to change this in a future version.
> If it put blank space above the quoted text, with the cursor there, and
> quoted text *further* below, I'd tend to agree.  But it doesn't, the
> quoted text is right at the top of the page.  That's not exactly
> conducive to typing there.

IIRC this is actually what it used to do (I may be wrong). Why it
stopped doing that but didn't go the whole hog and actually put the
cursor at the bottom is something I don't understand. The current
behaviour looks like something no-one is likely to be happy with.

Also, moving the cursor to the bottom can only be done using the mouse,
whereas typing a couple of carriage returns and backing up can be done
with the keyboard, i.e. it's easier to top-post than not.

The insane thing is that it still does this even when you quote
selectively, i.e. when it's even more likely that you want to add
something *after* the quoted material.


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