>> If you're into classical music, it's woefully inadequate, though.  
>> e.g. Artist is a vague term, do you apply it to the composer or the
>> performer?  There aren't the fields necessary for proper
>> classification, and the genre tagging's just stupid (a small
>> predefined list of number genres, with no free-form entry of type).

Patrick O'Callaghan:
> Not so. ID3V2 is a lot more flexible, and includes a free-format genre
> description. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Id3

Maybe the spec says so, but various clients don't work that way.  And
you can end up with mismatching ID3 *and* ID3v2 data in the file, not to
mention fields not being available to you.  Plenty a time I've typed in
a genre, on a client that let me do so, only to find it described as
something completely different, when I play it elsewhere.

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