
NetworkManager has apparently screwed up a lot of small Gnome processes.

      * Trouble with Evo getting itself stuck in downloading mail
        (looping ??).
      * Clock applet not getting task and calendar info from Evolution
      * I have been told that NM configuration info and keys should be
        in my gconf-editor.  They are not.
      * A couple of other little things (I forget now) not operating
        properly after turning NetworkManager off and on.

I will see if I can get help with NetworkManager on the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] , but meanwhile, so as to avoid asking
really stupid questions in more than one place.  Is the 'network'
service supposed to be running while the NetworkManager service is on?

Is it compiled into the kernel?  I thought it was a module?  Are those
questions even relevant?

ps aux shows NetworkManager but no 'network' or friends.

The command line shows:

]# service network status
Configured devices:
lo eth0
Currently active devices:
lo eth0

]# service network stop
Shutting down interface eth0:                              [  OK  ]
Shutting down loopback interface:                          [  OK  ]

and then;

]# service network status
Configured devices:
lo eth0
Currently active devices:
lo eth0

There is no Fedora manual or 'Help' for NetworkManager

'man NetworkManager' produces only:
               The NetworkManager daemon attempts to keep an active
        network connection available at all times.  The point of
        NetworkManager is  to  make  networking  configuration and setup
        as painless and automatic as possible. If using DHCP,
        NetworkManager is intended to  replace  default  routes,obtain
        IP addresses from a DHCP server, and change nameservers whenever
        it sees fit, with the aim of making networking Just Work."

nm-tool shows me no more info than is available in the NM gui.

http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Tools/NetworkManager simply tells me how
to configure for pam.  My pam.d/gdm is 
auth       optional    pam_gnome_keyring.so
session    optional    pam_gnome_keyring.so auto_start
googled sites gives info for gentoo and mandrivia only.

I am stumped.  I will re-ask on the NetworkManager list, but first I
would like to straighten out in my mind the network vs NetworkManger
services thing.

Regards Bill;
Fedora 9, Gnome 2.22.3
Evo., Emacs 22.2.1

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