On Fri, 22 Aug 2008, David Jansen wrote:

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 10:14:17AM +0100, Patrick Dupre wrote:
But it is here:
Bus 007 Device 006: ID 03f0:3d17 Hewlett-Packard

Are you using the GUI? Did you tell it to look for USB printers (hplip
supports parallel and network printers as well). Sorry for the stupid
questions but the docs say the 1007 is supported.

Yes I do have hplip-gui installed and it does try to look that the USB,
I really looks like that it is the problem with FC7, because I cannot
install a recent version of hplip, 1.7.4 is too low, it looks that that I
need a 2.8

Get the latest drivers from here

And here is the changelog.  P1005 was added around 2.8.2 I think,

Thank for the advise.
This it what I did.
but after making make install. the hplip-1.7.4 (rpm) is this here
and I got the errors that I previously mention.
If I remove the rpm hplip.1.7.4 package, and make an install
of hplip.2.8.7, I lost also the hp-setup, etc... commands even after
I reinstall, so I have to reinstall the rpm hplip.1.7.4 !

I do not understand why I cannot get the hp-   etc... commands
from hplip-2.8.7.tgz !

If you installed the new version from source, you may want to check were
it gets installed. Probably in /usr/local, which is a good location for
software that doesn't come from an rpm. But by default, it is not in
your path. Also, many administrative utilities usually end up in one of
the sbin directories (eg /usr/local/sbin), and those are by default only
in root's path (and fedora packages often set up consolehelper for users
to prompt them for the root password before running such applications.

So take a look in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin and if the tool is
there, you may try running it from there.

I made an updatedb and locate hp-setup after a make and make install,
but only the one installed by hplip-1.7.4.rpm is here !
Does it recognize that there is a rpm package and doed not reinstall
a hp-setup ?

 Patrick DUPRÉ                      |   |
 Department of Chemistry            |   |    Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York             |   |    Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington                         |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom      |   |    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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