Gene Heskett wrote:
On Friday 22 August 2008, Russell Miller wrote:
On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 7:02 PM, Gene Heskett
just a thought, if padmin is seeing ac97 and not sbo-400, could you

be having address conflict.
Never had one before pulseaudio.  No legitimate reason I should have one
Have you tried checking to see if your user has permission to write to the
audio device?  If it doesn't, pulseaudio will pretend it's not even there.

Only one user, me=root. Yes there are other 'users' on this machine, all of which do things that users should do, like gene fetching email, amanda doing the backups, yadda yadda.

The fedora gods insist this isn't a bug (someone resolved it with NOTABUG,
yippee), so you're not going to see a fix.  But if that truly is the
problem, just adjust your udev rules to create it with the correct
permissions and add yourself to rt-pulse.  Fixed it for me.

rt-pulse?  No such file here according to locate.

Hooray for moving forward.

Somehow I don't feel like celebrating, its nothing but breakage IMO.


Thanks Russell.

I'm curious about the value of pulse (and the other sound servers, esd, arts, whatever). I don't use a sound server and the sound on my box works perfectly. What am I missing?



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