Dear friends,

  Since I upgraded to Fedore 9, all images appear fuzzy on Firefox. I
have a Dell Latitude D820 laptop with a nVidia card and work with a
resolution of 1680x1050. If I save the images and display them outside
Firefox, they all look sharp. This is true for gif, jpg and svg.

  Why I think that's a Fedora issue? Well, because under Fedora 8, all
images were sharp in Firefox. Also, system-config-display does not
seem to work. It fails to detect my display or the possible
resolutions, and when I select a resolution, it will ask me to restart
X, and then happily forget anything I entered. I sometimes felt like
asking some one to have a look at the code and confirm that it
actually is written to do anything.


     Take care

Oliver Ruebenacker, Post-Doc Researcher
BioPAX Integration at Virtual Cell (
Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling

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